GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL - Too Young To Play Like This (1971, Japan) - 3/5
Obviously not something that would go over today… JUNIOR High School girls who seem even hornier than the boys - looking at nudie mags, spying on the couple next door having sex, pondering the penis size of historical figures, minors working the hostess bar… this film doesn’t pull any punches… little boys without their pants on, junior high lesbians, junior high girls showering while junior high boys peek (yep, THAT scene)… junior high boys wearing panties (that was a funny scene)… Junko gets kidnapped and stripped down to her underwear by the leader of the female gang, but that seems tame compared to some of the earlier stuff.
If none of that offends you, especially considering it’s ‘of age’ actors and actresses playing these roles (other than that pantless little boy..ugh), then some of its actually funny at times.
There’s plenty of mainstream hijinks as well - tricking a male and female faculty member into meeting each other privately, drugging the teacher’s food, some silly Yakuza hood getting fooled into thinking Junko is a boss’ daughter… you know… it’s like a bizarro world female Porky’s. Mildly humorous, but nothing special beyond one infamous scene.
Humorous for how UN PC it is today.


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